
Release: Chef Client 11.6.2 & 10.28.2

Hello Chefs. Today we are announcing two releases for Chef Client:

  • Chef Client 11.6.2
  • Chef Client 10.28.2

The highlight of the release is the fix for CHEF-4489 reported by Jeff Blaine which prevented the creation of necessary symlinks in Solaris packages. 


With his awesome help finding and testing the Solaris packaging issues Jeff Blaine is this release’s MVP. Thanks Jeff!

Patch Highlights

Other fixes that are included in this release are:

  • CHEF-2372 –  chef gemspec should include dependent windows platform gems
  • CHEF-4508 –  /usr/bin/ohai symlink broken in chef-11.6.0.hotfix.1-1.el6.x86\_64.rpm

11.6.2 release also includes the following fixes previously released with version 11.6.0.hotfix.1:

  • CHEF-4428 –  response\_file fails trying to load preseed templates and falls back to cookbook files.
  • CHEF-4422 –  remote\_file fails when source becomes too long
  • CHEF-4419 –  Absolute file paths with no drive letter for file resources on Windows fails chef-client run
  • CHEF-4406 – response\_file fails trying to load preseed templates and falls back to cookbook files.

You can download the installation packages from the install page now.

Serdar Sutay